


In the field of poetry in the late Qing Dynasty,Fan Bozi,who cared a lot about the livelihood of civilians,built his reputation for his marvelous achievements in poems despite his humble family.Besides his unique composition of po-ems,he spared no efforts in the composition of couplets with his excellent cultural qualities and deliberation.Fan put ancient grammar of Chinese into couplets,and his composition broke away from conventions and showed peculiarities. The couplet lines are wide and unchained,and combine momentum with majesty,which reveal his personal aesthetic taste.His elegiac couplets for historic heroes also differ from his peers in following traditions.The study of couplets com-posed by Fan Bozi can reveal his artistic features and aesthetic pursuit,and can show us the profound cultural connotations between the lines of his couplets.%在晚清诗坛上,“涕泪间皆天地民物”的范伯子,以震荡开阖、变化无方的诗歌成就奠定其雄视江表的诗坛地位,虽为布衣而名满天下。在诗文创作之余,范伯子凭藉着精湛的文化素养与深厚的诗词功底,于联语创作方面也取得极高的成就。范伯子以古文法入联,其比事属辞,不主故常,奇气轮囷。其联语纵横豪宕,气韵沉雄,或为龙跳虎掷之势,或为倚天拔地之概,充分体现出诗人独树一帜的审美趋向。范伯子挽联在对历史人物的评判上不蹈故常,凸显出其不喜谐俗的历史评判眼光,同时也透露出在晚清特定时段内士人矛盾的文化心态。对范伯子联语的研究不仅能够更好地把握其诗文创作的艺术特色与审美追求,还可以通过挖掘联语文字表层下的文化意蕴,以补史乘之罅漏。



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