


Through demarcating science and philosophy, knowledge and morality as well as the humanities and natural sciences, ZHANG Jun-mai criticizes the notion of generalizing science from scientism, especially, the utilitarian view of science. However, he also admits practical and spiritual values that science has, and even emphasizes that Confucianism focusing on morality is not incompatible with modern western culture concerning science, actually both of them can benefit each other. Clearly, it is reasonable to some extent that ZHANG Jun--mai and New Confucianists speculate on the value and status that science has in our culture in humanistic perspective. Nevertheless, because they insist on the position that Confucianism is superior to western culture so that they still argue morality is superior to knowledge without removing the traditional influence from Confucianism centralizing on morality completely. As a result, the conflictions between science and philosophy, knowledge and morality, Confucianism and science haven't been solved properly in the end by them.%张君劢以科学和哲学、知识和道德、人文科学与自然科学的划界,批判科学主义对科学的泛化的理解;批判只强调科学实用价值的功利主义科学观,同时肯定科学的实用价值和内在精神价值;强调传统儒学和现代科学并不是矛盾的关系;强调以道德见长的儒学和以知识见长的西方文化是融合互补的关系。张君劢及他所代表的现代新儒学以人文主义的视角审视科学在文化中的地位和价值,具有一定的合理性。但是由于坚持儒家主位主义的立场,使张君劢及现代新儒学用德性之知笼罩见闻之知,没有真正赋予科学知识以独立的地位,从而使他们没有完全摆脱传统儒学的道德中心主义窠臼,也使他们最终没有正确解决科学与哲学、知识与道德、儒学与科学的关系问题。



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