首页> 中文期刊>管理工程学报 >基于supply-hub的三级供应链运作成本优化研究




双边际效应是阻碍由多主体组成的三级供应链运作成本优化的基本因素之一.本文建立了循环取货方式下,由多个供应商、一个supply-hub、一个制造商组成的三级供应链运作成本定量模型.分别在供应链集中决策和各成员独立决策条件下对模型进行求解,定量揭示了基于supply-hub的三级供应链中双边际效应产生的原理.通过将利益分配因素引入成本模型,定量分析了帕累托优化产生的条件和优化结果的分配方案.研究表明:制造商生产批量与supply-hub对制造商的配送批量之比是基于supply-hub的三级供应链运作成本的关键影响因素;supply-hub运营商在单独决策时对制造商库存维持成本的忽视是基于supply-hub的三级供应链双边际效应产生的根本原因;供应链成员之间利益再分配是消除双边际效应的基本方法.%With the general expansions of company size, and the emphasis on core competencies, the supply chain based on supply-hub is more and more popular for its introduction of professional logistics operators, and both vertical and horizontal integration. As the main idea of supply chain management is based on an overall thinking and system theory, the bilateral marginal effects are to be solved first.rnSince the first practice of the supply chain based on supply-hub, more than ten years have passed. However few articles established quantitative models to reveal the running of its logistics costs. Let along trying to solve the bilateral marginal effects. This article established a three-level logistics costs model based on milk-run to try to make up the blank.rnFirstly, in this model, the logistics costs of the supply chain based on supply-hub included five parts, including: the inventory cost of suppliers; the distribution cost from suppliers to supply-hub; the distribution cost form supply-hub to manufactories; the inventory cost of the supply-hub; the ordering cost of supply-hub.rnSecondly, it chose the ratio of the production volume and the distribution volume as the variable of the model, and get resolutions respectively based on centralized decision-making and independent decision-making. Results showed that the uncooperative logistics costs were higher than cooperative logistics costs. That meant it revealed the bilateral marginal effects quantitatively.rnThirdly, it showed the basic way to reduce the bilateral marginal effect. As the primary cause of bilateral marginal effect is that the members of the supply chain system decide its operating parameters only to maximize its own interests but not the whole interests of the supply chain system, the basic way to reduce bilateral marginal effect rely on redistribution of the benefits from the optimization. This article tried to let the suppliers who have benefited from the optimization to make up the loss of the operator of the supply-hub. And the compensation percentage of every supplier equals its benefit percentage. In this way, the bilateral marginal effect was eliminated. rnThe main conclusions are:rn1. It revealed the compositions of the logistics costs of the supply chain system based on supply-hub, and made clear of the relationship among those parts.rn2. It revealed quantitatively that the ratio of the production volume and the distribution volume is a determinant to the logistics costs of the supply chain system based on supply-hub. The ratio determines both the toll logistics costs of the supply chain and the allocation proportion of the toll costs among the members of the supply chain system.rn3. The redistribution of the benefits from optimization is the basic way to get an agreement to start the optimization among the members of the supply chain system.



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