首页> 中文期刊>湖州师范学院学报 >物体知觉中动作信息激活的双重通路




The theory of affordance by Gibson (1979)holds that observing an object can automatical-ly activate the implied action information and the crucial evidence supporting this view is the affordance compatibility effect.This effect refers to a decrease of reaction times when the subj ect executes a motor act which is compatible with that afforded by an observed obj ect.In the domain of affordance effect, most researchers think that the perception of obj ect can automatically evoke those possible actions affor-ded by the object,in the absence of observer’s action intention and conceptual knowledge.However,re-cent studies have showed that not only the features of an obj ect evokes action motor information,but al-so both the goal and abilities of observer influence the action motor information processes associated with the obj ect’s affordance,that is,there are down top and top down routes to action implied by ob-j ects.%Gibson (1979)的动允性(affordances)理论认为,观察物体能自动激活其隐含的动作信息。其关键的支持证据来自动允性效应,即当物体隐含的动作信息与被试的反应类型一致时,促进被试反应。最初研究发现,在缺少动作意图时,动作信息仍能自动激活。最近研究显示,注意、主体的能力和目的同样调节着动作信息的激活,即物体动作信息的激活存在自下而上和自上而下两种通路。



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