首页> 中文期刊>湖南大学学报(社会科学版) >夏目漱石文学创作与书画艺术∗




夏目漱石对书画艺术有着特殊的感情,其书画艺术修养源自于家藏的名画,在之后的汉学和西学的学习过程中,他大量接触、鉴赏中国和西方书画作品,并与书画艺术家有广泛的交往,也在他们指导下练习书法和绘画,“漱石山房藏书目录”中有丰富的书画作品和理论著作。书画艺术对漱石的文学产生了深刻影响,其创作中常以书画内容为题材,引用书画的某些元素,或借用书画艺术的技法和表现手段,丰富作品的内容和审美内涵,漱石还为绘画作品题诗,集书法、绘画、诗歌于尺幅之中。他的小说《草枕》、《三四郎》被称为“绘画小说”,将书画艺术的内涵和精神融凝在小说创作中,融情于景,文中有画,以图像叙事,将文学与绘画巧妙结合。%Natsume Soseki,who had a special feeling for the art of calligraphy and painting,was a lit-erate giant combining both literature and the art of calligraphy and painting together.Natsume Soseki’s accomplishment for the art of calligraphy and painting came from the family collection of paintings at very beginning.In the thereafter process of sinology and western learning,he had come across and appreciated many Chinese and Western calligraphy and painting works.Meanwhile,Natsume Soseki had met many calligraphy and painting artists,under whose guide,he practiced calligraphy and painting.In Natsume So-seki’s room collection catalogue,there are a plenty of calligraphy and painting works and theory writings. The art of calligraphy and paintings had a great influence on Natsume Soseki’s literature,in which,many of themes of works were about calligraphy and paintings.Natsume Soseki tended to introduce certain ele-ments of calligraphy and paintings or borrow the ways of expression of the art of calligraphy and paintings, so as to enrich the content and intension of the works.Besides,Natsume Soseki inscribed poems in his paintings,combining calligraphy,paintings and poems together.Natsume Soseki’s novels like Kusa-makura and Sanshiro ,referred as painting novels,which combined the condensation of calligraphy and paintings and literature,emotion in the scene,painting in literature,telling stories by painting,which reached the high level of art combination of literature and paintings.



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