首页> 中文期刊>湖北函授大学学报 >浅析提升幼专毕业生应对就业侵权行为的策略




针对当前幼专毕业生应对就业侵权的态度积极,但相关法律知识严重不足、受社会法治氛围影响明显的现状,我们建议教育主管部门采取措施加强依法治教建设,学校尽力提高幼专生法律素养,毕业生个人不断强化依法维权的意识和能力,社会各界努力营造良好的法治氛围,能够有效提升幼专毕业生应对就业侵权的行为。%In view of the fact that the young students graduating from preschool teacher's colleges seriously lack relevant legal knowledge and are greatly influenced by social atmosphere.Concerning the rule of law although they are active in dealing with employment infringement,it is proposed that the education authorities take measures to strengthen the construction of education administration in accordance with.Preschool teacher's colleges try their best to improve the legal qualities of their graduates, that the graduates from preschool teacher's colleges continuously strengthen their consciousness and abilities of safeguarding their rights legally.And people from all walks of life strive to create a good atmosphere to strengthen the rule of law so as to improve the acts of the young college graduates in dealing with employment infringement.



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