首页> 中文期刊>华中科技大学学报(社会科学版) >从“管理”到“治理”--一个精神史的考察




在任何一个社会,一群人都必须接受某些命令的支配。各种支配方式的有效性取决于它的正当性。管理作为一种现代支配方式所遵循的是合理性的原则,它为资本主义的现代化提供了正当性基础。合理化管理模式中所出现的矛盾引发了当代资本主义管理方式的变革,治理是以自我管理和自我实现为核心的支配模式,它使资本主义获得了新的正当性,体现了资本主义的新精神。哈贝马斯的商议民主模式也贯彻了这种新的精神。作为一个现代转型中的国家,中国应该根据社会各个领域的具体特点分别采纳治理或者管理的模式。%In any society , a social group should be ruled by some decree .The efficiency of any kind of ruling depends on its legitimacy .Management as a modernized way of ruling follows the principle of rationali-ty.The legitimacy of the capitalist modernization is founded on this principle .Management as a rationalizing model of the ruling has met lots of difficulties , and has to make some reforms on its way of ruling .Governance as a new way of ruling takes self-rule and self-realization as its core ideal , and supplies the legitimacy for the capitalist development , and shows the new spirit of capitalism .The deliberative democracy which Jurgen Habermas suggests is invested with this new spirit .As a developing and transforming country , China should a-dopt model of management or governance respectively according to different social areas .



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