首页> 中文期刊>淮阴师范学院学报(自然科学版) >内陆欠发达地区承接产业转移的机制及模式研究--以皖江城市带为例




Industrial transfer is influed by governments, the centrifugal force of transfer regions and attrac-tion to industries to relocate.The role of local government is obviously stronger than the role of market forces in Chinese regional industry transfer.Compared with developed regional in the eastern coastal areas, less de-veloped regions have a comparative advantage in land, labor, energy, space.Because developed regions are suffering the rising cost of land and labor, the shortage of energy, the development of small space, the dimin-ishing of enterprise marginal utility.Under centrifugal forces and attraction forces, there are massive industries transferring from developed regions to less developed regions.In order to integrate with the developed regions, the less developed regions should seize the great opportunities of massive industrial transfer, identify the direc-tion of industrial transfer, build the industrial zones and clusters, optimize the development environment.%欠发达地区承接产业转移的动力机制有地方政府力量、转移地区的离心力和承接地区的吸引力。在中国区域产业转移中,地方政府力量所起的作用明显强于国际产业转移中市场力量所起的作用。我国东部沿海经济发达地区面临土地、劳动力等要素成本不断上涨,能源短缺、发展空间狭小等问题,企业规模投资边际效益递减,而欠发达地区承接地在以上方面具有相对比较优势,在转移地区的离心力和承接地区的吸引力共同作用下,发达地区部分产业逐步向欠发达地区大规模转移。欠发达地区承接地政府应抓住国际国内产业大规模转移的重大机遇,找准产业承接方向,打造产业承接载体,优化产业承接环境,在思想观念、产业、政策体制、基础设施等方面与发达地区产业转移地进行无缝对接。



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