首页> 中文期刊> 《怀化学院学报》 >从语境顺应看《老友记》不真诚许诺言语行为




许诺是语用学研究中言语行为研究的话题之一。从许诺的言语者是否真心这一角度出发,许诺可分为真诚许诺和不真诚许诺。就目前来看,对于不真诚许诺言语行为的研究显得相对不足。Verschueren等提出的顺应论是从话语出发者和话语解释者的角度对言语进行分析,而并非对言语行为本身进行分析的理论框架。从Verschueren等提出的顺应论中语境顺应的角度出发,分析《老友记》中朋友和恋人之间不真诚许诺的行为,得出以下结论:说话者做出不真诚许诺是对语境的顺应,它具有同许诺一样的言外之力,保证了交际的顺利进行。%Promise is one of the speech acts in pragmatic study . However , the studies of non -sincere promise act are few . The felicity condition raised by Searle is not good enough to explain how the non -sincere promise also has illocutionary force . The theory of linguistic adaptation raised by Vershueren discusses the speakers instead of speech acts . However , the studies of the promise act with the theory of linguistic adaptation are rare . This paper aims to analyze the non-sincere promise acts between friends and lovers in Friends from the aspect of contextual adaptability so that we can get a conclusion that the non -sincere promise is the result of the contextual adaptability which helps to make the communication work well .



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