首页> 中文期刊> 《怀化学院学报》 >民事再审检察建议的立法问题与修正建议




针对现实中再审检察建议存在法律效力效力缺失以及该制度实际操作中程序不规范问题,试提出修正再审检察建议的建议。在适用中加强与抗诉的协调与互补;树立起民事、行政检察监督以抗诉为主,以再审检察建议为补充的理念;民事再审检察建议应经立案、阅卷、调查、集体讨论、主管检察长或检察长决定等一整套严密的程序后才可形成;以再审检察建议回复制度为切入点加强再审检察建议的法律效力;增强再审检察建议内容的针对性与说理性,从而实现民事再审检察建议的制度化、正规化、规范化。%Based on the analysis of the reality that the retrial procuratorial suggestions have deletion of legal effectiveness and the operating procedures of the system practical are not standardized , the author of this paper tries to propose the countermeasures to perfect retrial procuratorial suggestions .We should strengthen coordination and complementary with protest In the application and establish the concept that civil and administrative supervision should give priority to protest and etrial procuratorial suggestions as a supplement ; the form of the civil retrial procuratorial suggestions should go through a set of strict procedures like be registered ,marking , survey , group discussion , a chief procurator or the chief prosecutor makes decision ; through response system as the breakthrough point to strengthen the legal effect of retrial procuratorial suggestions ; enhance the targeted and argument of retrial procuratorial suggestions , so as to realize the institutionalization , standardization ,standardization of civil retrial procuratorial suggestions .



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