首页> 中文期刊>怀化学院学报 >壮泰民族民间稻作农耕祭祀礼俗比较研究




随着原始农业的发展,农业在古越人社会中的地位越来越重要,以至作为后裔的壮族和泰族在稻作生产活动中烙下了农耕民俗特有的深深印迹。通过对壮族和泰族的农耕祭祀礼俗的比较研究,还可发现其印迹有如下4点:1.择吉日举行稻作农耕仪式;2.祭祀地点以农业生产场地和寺庙为主;3.古越人原始宗教信仰和由越巫发展而来的原生型民间宗教———麽教还遗存在稻作农耕仪式中;4.稻米为最高的祭品。%With the development of the primitive agriculture, agriculture was becoming more and more important in the ancient Yue people’s society, as the characteristics of farming folk-custom were deeply imprinted in the Zhuang and Thai descendants’ rice production activities. Through a comparative study of the Zhuang and Thai farming sacrificial rites, we can find the hallmarks based on the following four aspects: 1. Choose an auspicious day for rice farming ceremony; 2. Worship sites are mainly agricultural production sites and temples; 3. The primitive religious beliefs of the ancient Yue people and the original folk religion-Mo religion which was originated from Yue wizard still remain in the rice farming ceremony. 4. Rice is the highest sacrifice gift.



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