首页> 中文期刊>怀化学院学报 >中庸思想在弗罗斯特诗歌中的体现




作为美国20世纪最具影响力的“桂冠诗人”,罗伯特·弗罗斯特的诗歌深受各国读者们的喜爱。国内外学者对他的诗歌的研究数不胜数,但鲜有学者发现他的诗歌与儒家的“中庸”思想有契合之处。以弗罗斯特著名的诗歌《雪夜林边》及《火与冰》为例,对他的为人处世、诗歌形式及诗歌的内涵进行深度分析之后,不难发现其中处处闪耀着“中庸”的智慧光芒。通过对中庸思想在弗罗斯特诗歌中的体现的挖掘,有助于探索中庸思想对中西方文化的影响。%As the greatest American “Poet Laureate” in 20th century , Robert?Frost's poems are deeply loved by many countries'readers . Although lots of scholars from home and abroad did many researches on him and his poems , very few has found the similarities between his poems and the Confucian idea of “Doctrine of the Mean” . By taking Frost's famous poems “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” and “Fire and Ice” as its example , the author of this study will analyze the Confucian idea of “Doctrine of the Mean” embodied in the way of his life , the style and connotation of his poems , which are supposed to help us explore the influences of the Confucian idea of“Doctrine of the Mean” on Chinese and western cultures .



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