首页> 外文期刊>针灸推拿医学(英文版) >浅析中庸思想在推拿学中的体现



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中庸思想是儒家道德修养的最高准则。它发散开来又是处理政治、哲学乃至天地宇宙万物运动变化的独特的方法论;它所提出的解决问题的思想影响渗透了我国传统文化的方方面面。推拿疗法自古有之,作为传统中医学的重要组成部分,发展至今,形成了自己特有的理论和方法,它也和中国传统医学一样,自其理论形成之初就受到了儒家中庸思想的影响和渗透。为了推动推拿学的发展,对中庸思想和推拿学的历史沿革进行了追溯,对中庸思想在推拿学手法、机理以及治疗上的体现进行了探讨。%The concept of golden mean (Zhong Yong), i.e. moderation, is the highest principle of moral cultivation in Confucianism. It entails an exclusive methodology in addressing politics, philosophy and everything in the universe. This concept has permeated into all aspects of traditional Chinese culture. As an ancient therapy, tuina is an important part of Chinese medicine and has its characteristic theory and methods. Just like Chinese medicine, tuina has long been greatly influenced by the concept of golden mean. To better promote the development of tuina, it’s necessary to investigate the historical evolution of tuina and the concept of golden mean as well as the influence of ‘golden mean’ idea on tuina manipulation, mechanism and treatment.
机译:中庸思想是儒家道德修养的最高准则。它发散开来又是处理政治、哲学乃至天地宇宙万物运动变化的独特的方法论;它所提出的解决问题的思想影响渗透了我国传统文化的方方面面。推拿疗法自古有之,作为传统中医学的重要组成部分,发展至今,形成了自己特有的理论和方法,它也和中国传统医学一样,自其理论形成之初就受到了儒家中庸思想的影响和渗透。为了推动推拿学的发展,对中庸思想和推拿学的历史沿革进行了追溯,对中庸思想在推拿学手法、机理以及治疗上的体现进行了探讨。%The concept of golden mean (Zhong Yong), i.e. moderation, is the highest principle of moral cultivation in Confucianism. It entails an exclusive methodology in addressing politics, philosophy and everything in the universe. This concept has permeated into all aspects of traditional Chinese culture. As an ancient therapy, tuina is an important part of Chinese medicine and has its characteristic theory and methods. Just like Chinese medicine, tuina has long been greatly influenced by the concept of golden mean. To better promote the development of tuina, it’s necessary to investigate the historical evolution of tuina and the concept of golden mean as well as the influence of ‘golden mean’ idea on tuina manipulation, mechanism and treatment.



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