首页> 中文期刊>高等函授学报(哲学社会科学版) >基于教学表现期望的美国加州科学教师表现性评价述评




美国加州教师表现性评价体系(PACT)是评估职前教师计划、教学、评价和反思能力的一种有效的质性评估工具.加州教师教学表现期望标准(TPEs)作为加州职前教师教学标准,提供了初任教师胜任教学的基本模型.基于教学表现期望的科学教师表现性评价的基本机制,是以科学教学事件评价为主,候选人根据教学事件任务,整理提交能反映其科学教学能力与素养的成长档案袋,评价者对照教学表现期望标准,运用相应的评价量规予以评价,重点考察候选人对期望的达成度.基于教学表现期望的科学教师表现性评价具有基于标准、质性评价的特点,兼具终结性评价和形成性评价功能,是对职前科学教师评价与资格认定的价值化尝试.对其评价内容、形式、机制的分析可以对我国职前科学教师教育和科学教师资格认定有所启发和借鉴.%The Performance Assessment for California Teachers (PACT) is an authentic tool for evaluating prospective teachers by examining their abilities of plan, instruction, assessment, and reflection in teaching practice.Teaching performance expectations(TPEs), as the teaching standards for California teachers, set a model of teaching competence.The mechanism of performance assessment for California science Teachers based on Teaching Performance expectations focuses on teaching events.The candidates submit their portfolio according to the tasks in teaching events to demonstrate their professional quality.The evaluation will be given by science rubrics and ranking system of PACT corresponding to TPEs.Performance assessment for science teacher can be used both as a summarized evaluation and a formative one.In addition, reformers also can validate PACT performance as a measure of teacher quality and effectiveness both in interns of student of normal school and incumbency of In-service teachers.It`s a helpful reference in preservice science teacher education reform in China and be used as trial in Professional Credential.



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