


丰子恺推重佛学,是受弘一法师的影响,但是他的佛学思想比较驳杂,华严宗、法相宗、净土宗、禅宗、律宗等在其身上都有所体现。丰子恺信佛但不迷信佛,不是为了成佛,更不是为了获得与佛同在的最高幸福。他信佛的目的只有一个,那就是“以精神生活代替物质生活”。在他的眼里,佛只是一种最高的人格境界。佛教的“无我说”乃苦难的解脱之道。“无我”首先要抛弃“我私我欲”的贪念,正是在这一基点上,丰子恺毕生笃守佛家信念,并身体力行致力于个人品性的修炼。丰子恺对佛教中的迷信部分始终是否定的,他强调直接用心灵与佛陀的精神进行“对话”,去理解佛陀物我一体的慈悲心和四大皆空的基本义,这无疑与“五四”时代对待宗教的态度是一致的。%Influenced by Master Hong Yi,Feng Zikai has high regard for Buddhism,but his Buddhist thoughts are more complex,which embodied Huayan School,Hossoshu,Pure-land School,Zen,Vinaya School,and so on.Though he trusts in Buddhism,he has neither blind faith on it nor becomes a Buddha,even nor obtains the supreme happiness of being with Buddha.It is “to substitute the spiritual life for the material life”that is his only purpose.Buddhism,in which “the Theory of Anatman”is the way to relieve oneself from suffering,is only the supreme realm of personality in his mind.Being “anatman”,one must firstly abandon “oneself and his desires”,in which he keeps his belief all his life and cultivates his personality with his practice.He keeps a negative attitude to the superstition belief in Buddhism,and emphasizes the direct dialogue between one’s soul and the spirit of Buddha to understand Buddha’s compassion of “the integrity of oneself and the universe”and the essential meaning of “being void of vanities”,which is undoubtedly consistent with the attitude towards religions during the May Fourth Movement.



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