首页> 中文期刊>合肥工业大学学报(社会科学版) >全面质量管理:提升高等教育教学质量的有效路径--读《基于TQM 的高校教学质量管理模式》

全面质量管理:提升高等教育教学质量的有效路径--读《基于TQM 的高校教学质量管理模式》



The application of total quality management (TQM ) in higher education depends on three crucial elements ,i .e .the feasibility of TQM in improving the teaching quality of higher education , the application of TQM in reforming or innovating the management pattern of teaching quality of high-er education ,and the selection of improvement path of teaching quality of higher education based on TQM .Its feasibility has been proved by the practice of universities at home and abroad and the nature of management .It is of importance to innovate the management philosophy and reform the manage-ment pattern of teaching quality of higher education based on the laws and features of higher educa-tion .The effective path for TQM of higher education can be formed by establishing an overall outlook of educational and teaching quality ,constructing a comprehensive standard for educational and teach-ing quality ,realizing all-member participation in TQM ,strengthening the complete process and all factors of TQM in higher education ,and managing educational and teaching quality with comprehen-sive and diversified methods .%将全面质量管理科学应用于高等教育,关键要解决好三方面问题:全面质量管理在提升高等教育教学质量中的可行性;运用TQM改造(创新)高等教育教学质量管理模式;基于 TQM 提升高等教育教学质量的路径选择问题。国内外高校将全面质量管理引入高等教育管理的实践以及管理本身的性质证明了其可行性,关键在于要根据高等教育规律和特点,创新高等教育教学质量管理理念,全面改造高等教育教学质量管理模式。应从树立全面的教育教学质量观,构建全面的教育教学质量标准,真正落实全面质量管理的全员参与性,强化高等教育全面质量管理的全过程性和全要素性,采用全面多样的方法进行教育教学质量管理等层面形成高等教育教学全面质量管理的有效路径。



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