首页> 中文期刊>合肥工业大学学报(社会科学版) >中唐宰相李吉甫之政治功业与应用文书写




李吉甫是中唐著名的政治家,其应用文书写亦值得称道,被李商隐称作宪宗朝之“大手笔”作家,可惜学界殊少关注。文章以政治与文学的互动为视角,阐释李吉甫之政治功业与文学书写。吉甫志灭强蕃、改革弊政,以片言移人主意,充分显示出其儒者品格与革新精神,其经世用心反映到应用文创作中则语言简洁,平实通达,文笔具有史家笔法,具有较强的叙事性。吉甫与中唐多位文臣交游密切,引荐士大夫、拔擢文人学士,对中唐政治文化事业的发展功不可没。%Li Jifu(758-814) is a famous statesman in the middle Tang period while his practical prose writing is also praiseworthy .Li Shangyin(813-858) thought highly of him as a “dashoubi”writer in Emperor Xianzong (reigned 805 -820) .This paper focuses on the interpretation of his political a‐chievements and literary w ritings for w hich the academia has little attention .Li had great ambition to solve the military governor issue and get rid of the maladministration during his term as the prime minister because his assertion always had a decisive impact on Emperor Xianzong .It shows that Li had Confucius character and innovative spirit according to the records of his biographies in the standard histories and his practical prose in which the writing style is concise and plain access with a historian writing stroke and a strong narrative as well .Li had close friendships with many civil officials ,and promoted quite a few literati and scholars .All these things cannot be ignored in the development of middle Tang political culture .



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