首页> 中文期刊>河北大学学报(哲学社会科学版) >马克思对资本主义劳动异化的深层生态批判——纪念卡尔·马克思诞辰200周年




马克思在《1844 年经济学哲学手稿》中对资本主义制度下所存在的人与劳动、人与人、人与自然的异化关系进行深度理论阐释并提出深层生态批判,指出自然界是人存在与发展的自然前提和生物基础,人是自然界的有机构成,劳动生产是人与自然现实关系的真实纽带.资本主义社会中私有制的存在,导致异化劳动的出现,异化劳动加剧人与自然的对立冲突.推翻资本主义制度,消灭私有制,建立共产主义,实现自然主义和人道主义的有效结合,才是解决人与自然问题的根本出路.马克思《手稿》对资本主义劳动异化的生态批判对中国生态文明建设具有重要的指导意义.%In The Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844 ,Marx made a deep theoretical ex-planation of the alienation relationship between man and labor,man and man,man and nature under the capitalist system,and put forward a sharp ecological criticism.It is pointed out that nature is the natural premise and biological basis for human existence and development,man is an organic compo-nent of nature,and labor production is the real link between realistic relationship of human beings and nature.The existence of private ownership in capitalist society leads to the emergence of alienated la-bor,which intensifies the oppositional conflicts between man and nature.To overthrow the capitalist system,eliminate private ownership,establish communism and realize the effective combination of nat-uralism and humanitarianism is the fundamental way to solve the problem of human and nature.The ec-ological criticism of the alienation of capitalist labor by young Marx's Manuscript is of great significance to the construction of ecological civilization in China.



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