首页> 中文期刊> 《哈尔滨工程大学学报》 >平整冰中破冰船操纵性能初步预报方法




To predict the maneuverability of an icebreaker on level ice, the force exerted by ice as an external force was included in the ship motion equations. In this paper, the ice force was estimated by empirical methods in a con⁃tinuous icebreaking condition;then, the three degree⁃of⁃freedom motion equations of surge, sway, and yaw were established. Comparing ship performance data from the ice trials of icebreaker AHTS/IB Tor Viking II, the errors in the straight line navigational speed and turning circle diameter were 0.35% and 8.06% respectively. Therefore, the maneuverability forecasting method presented in this paper can effectively predict the straight line navigational and turning performance of icebreakers on level ice.%为了对平整冰环境中破冰船的操纵性能进行预报分析,本文把冰力作为外力计入船舶的操纵运动方程中。基于经验方法对连续破冰过程中船舶的冰阻力进行估算,建立船舶横荡、纵荡、艏摇三自由度运动方程。模拟结果与实尺度破冰船AHTS/IB Tor Viking II的冰试验数据进行对比,得出船舶的直航速度误差为0.35%,回转直径误差为8.06%。因此,可以认为本文建立的操纵性预报方法可以较好地预报平整冰条件下破冰船的直航性能和回转性能。



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