首页> 中文期刊>贵州师范学院学报 >增权理论视阈下民族村寨乡村旅游发展省思——以西江苗寨景区为例




增权是促进旅游发展公平性和可持续性的有效途径。特别对经济社会发展相对滞后的少数民族村寨,增权理论对提高当地居民参与积极性、保障他们在旅游发展受益、维护其正当权益具有重要的借鉴意义。以西江千户苗寨为研究对象,对西江苗寨旅游业规模化发展之后,当地居民各区域发展的不平衡及各方面利益受损情况作了阐述,并就增权理论在民族村寨旅游业中的应用进行了思考,探讨了民族村寨村民增权的具体途径。%Empowerment is an effective way to promote fairness and sustainability of tourism development. Em- powerment theory is very important to improve the activity of local residents,protect their benefit in tourism develop- ment and safeguard their legitimate rights, especially on the ethnic minority villages of the lagging economic and social development. The paper, based on the case of scenic areas of Miao Village in Xijiang, gives the research on the im- balances and elaborated interests of the local residents after the tourism scale development of Miao village in Xijiang. It also studies the specific ways to explore the empowerment of villagers in ethnic villages and the application of em- powerment theory in the tourism of ethnic villages.



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