首页> 中文期刊>广东外语外贸大学学报 >政治思想史研究方法创新与史料电子全文数据库的工具价值--以中国古代政治思想史研究为例




运用古籍电子全文数据库可弥补原典研究的不足,是政治思想史研究方法创新的基础。史料电子全文数据库,为政治思想史研究借鉴实验哲学方法创造了条件;政治学定量分析的统计方法,可以借助上述数据库得以运用和创新;文本中心主义和语境主义方法、史学实证方法、年鉴学派方法、新社会文化史方法在政治思想史研究中的创新运用,都可以通过利用和发掘上述数据库的功能来实现。%Using Electronic Full-Text Database of ancient books, it can make up the defects of the research on the clas-sics. It is the foundation of innovation of research methods in the History of Political Thought. Electronic Full-Text Database on historical books gives us a condition to study the history of political thought when we can take example by research methods of experimental philosophy. The statistical methods of quantitative analysis on the politics can be used and innovated by them. The methods of Text Center Socialist, Context Socialist, Historiography Empirical, Yearbook School, and History of New So-cial Culture are used in the innovation of research methods of political thought. The innovation of research methods of political thought can also be discovered in the function of Electronic Full-Text Database.



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