首页> 中文期刊>广东外语外贸大学学报 >试论近代传教士报刊史传文的文体探索及意义——以《东西洋考每月统记传》为中心




As the first Chinese-language newspaper published by missionaries on mainland China, Eastern Western Monthly Magazine published four types of history works on its column.The combination of the Eastern-Western history books, including chronology, biography, and general history, gives a comparative perspective and narrative approach to the academic and cultural circles of China.The history works, deriving from the Five Books of Moses, take the myths and legends as the history and lead to the Chinese readers` misreading of Bible.Biography of people from biblical history, integrated Chinese and Western literary resources including history of Bible, Chinese history and the proses of the philosophers.The articles of the Genealogy Column which absorbing the characteristics of Western biography literature and traditional Chinese biographical articles, mark the independence of modern Chinese biographical literature.Such stylistic exploration promotes the dialogue and exchange of Chinese and Western cultures, and creates the new style.%作为中国近代第一份中文报刊,《东西洋考每月统记传》的"史记"和"姓谱"栏目,收录了四种不同类型的史传文.其中,"史记"栏目的东西史记和合类作品,综合采用了纲目体、编年体、纪传体和通史体四种史书体裁,给中国学术文化界带来了中西比较的视野和比较叙事的方法;脱胎于《圣经》律法书的历史类文章,将神话和传说当作历史,但写作时又对历史进行了文学化改造,导致中国读者更多地将之作为世界文化经典及文学名著来接受;脱胎于《圣经》历史书的人物传记,对《圣经》历史书进行了题材精选,而且借鉴了中国纪传体史书、小说和诸子散文的行文经验."谱姓"栏的文章,与"史记"栏目分列,吸收西方传记文学的特点,对中国的传统传记体文章进行了一定程度的扬弃,标志着中国近代传记文学的独立.《东西洋考》所载史传文的文体探索,其价值意义在于通过不同文化之间的对话和交流,给中国历史和文学都带来了新的视野和体例.



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