首页> 中文期刊> 《测绘科学技术学报》 >国外卫星导航系统星间链路发展研究




利用星间链路提升卫星导航系统性能已成为全球卫星导航系统的重要发展趋势之一。以GPS为代表的国外卫星导航系统都在积极发展星间链路。我国北斗卫星导航系统也将在新一代全球导航卫星上搭载星间链路,目前已开展在轨试验。通过国内外文献查阅和跟踪研究,系统梳理比较了GPS,GLONASS和Galileo三大全球系统已投入使用和正在论证的星间链路技术方案。在此基础上归纳了星间链路的发展特点与趋势:1)星间链路的设计不再局限于实现自主导航,更倾向于通过星地联合实现增强提升导航性能;2)星间链路的发展当前以高频段射频星间链路为主,激光星间链路是未来的发展方向;3)星间链路测距通信将主要采用时分多址体制。相关研究成果对我国北斗卫星导航系统星间链路的发展具有借鉴意义。%Taking advantage of inter-satellite links ISLs to enhance the performance of Global Navigation Satellite System GNSS has become one of the important trends. Foreign satellite navigation systems represented by GPS are allactively developing ISLs. The new generation worldwide BDS satellites will also be armed with ISLs which is already under in orbit validation. By means of literatures research and developments survey the ISLs solutions are reviewed and compared including those which have been put into use and those which are still under study. And on this basis the development trends and characteristics of ISLs are summarized which are that the development of ISLs is not only for autonomous navigation but also aimed at realizing the joint of constellation and ground seg-ment in order to improve the capability of GNSS that radio ISLs at higher frequency band is the major now and ISLs of laser will be the main direction of ISLs development in the future that inter-satellite ranging and inter-sat-ellite communication will use TDMA system. The research achievements can be taken into condition in the develop-ment and construction of the ISLs of BDS.



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