首页> 中文期刊>福建师大福清分校学报 >从穆勒的功利主义看简·爱在婚姻与宗教上的伦理观




In 19th century in Britain, there are many colliding mutually social ideas, one of which is Mill's utilitarianism. Mill holds the view that happiness is the only worth preserving aim. Jane Eyre's marital and religious ethics are consistent with Mill's utilitarianism. She protests against regarding ben-efit as only aim, sacrificing dignity and freedom to get happiness, and utilizing others and being utilized by others. Jane Eyre's ethics are due to British society's attaching importance to reason and utility, and Charlotte's laying emphasis on virtue cultivation. Jane Eyre utilitarianism not only changes the female's dependence on the male, humans' humble position to God, but also exposes the male's humanity. It seems that Charlotte points out a way of pursuing existence, development and gaining happiness for the women from low and middle class.%十九世纪的英国,各种思潮涌动,穆勒的功利主义主张幸福是唯一值得欲求的目的。简·爱在婚姻和宗教上的伦理观契合了穆勒的功利主义,并反对以利益为唯一追求目标的“功利观”,反对牺牲尊严、自由、人格完整来获取幸福,也反对利用他人和被他人利用。简·爱式的功利主义婚姻观和宗教观既是十九世纪英国社会重理性、重“实用”的产物,也是夏洛特重视伦理道德修养的产物。这种功利主义伦理观不仅调整了女性对应于男性的依附关系,而且改变了人对应于神的屈从地位,彰显了女性的主体人格。夏洛特通过叙述简的成长道路,似乎给当时代的中下层女性指明了一条求生存、求发展、实现真正幸福的道路。



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