首页> 中文期刊> 《环境昆虫学报》 >基于转录组数据的荔枝蒂蛀虫SSR位点信息分析




Conopomorpha sinensis Bradley is a major and specific fruit borer pest of litchi and longan in China.Simple sequence repeat,SSR is short tandem repeats or microsatellite.It is important to the genetic evolution mechanism research of C.sinensis preference for host-plant and its integrated control.Based on the constructed transcriptome database in C.sinensis and the software MISA,10521 SSR were explored from 68996 transcriptome unigenes,and the occurrence frequency was 15.25%.The majority of repeat type was nucleotide motif(66.22%)and the second was trinucleotide motif(24.94%).A total of 8 dominant repeat motif were screened in 33 kinds of repeat motif.A/T was the most dominant repeat motif(98.55%) in nucleotide motif.Based on the identified SSR,9 pairs of SSR primers were randomized designed and 4 pairs produced amplification bands in line with expectations.The analysis of SSR in C.sinensis supplys a very important scientific evidence for its population genetic structure research, genetic diversity, evolutionary relationships and integrated control.%荔枝蒂蛀虫Conopomorpha sinensis Bradley是专一性危害我国荔枝和龙眼的重要害虫.简单重复序列标记(Simple sequence repeat, SSR)为短串联重复序列或微卫星标记,其在荔枝蒂蛀虫偏嗜选择寄主的遗传进化机制研究和荔枝蒂蛀虫综合治理中具有重要意义.本研究基于高通量测序获得的荔枝蒂蛀虫转录组数据,利用MISA软件从68996条转录组unigenes结果中发掘出10521个SSR位点,出现频率为15.25%.荔枝蒂蛀虫转录组中SSR的主要重复类型为单碱基重复,占SSR总数的66.22%.其次是三碱基重复,占SSR总数的24.94%.在发现的33种重复基元中共筛选获得8种优势重复基元,其中A/T在单碱基重复基元中所占的比例达98.55%.基于筛选的SSR设计的9对引物中,有4对引物得到扩增预期大小的条带.荔枝蒂蛀虫SSR位点的信息分析将为探究荔枝蒂蛀虫种群遗传结构、遗传多样性和进化关系、害虫综合治理等提供重要科学依据.



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