首页> 中文期刊>电子与信息学报 >基于多LED的高精度室内可见光定位方法




针对可见光室内定位问题,该文基于接收信号强度(RSS)定位技术,提出一种利用多个 LED 发射端实现室内定位的方法,即MLED-RSS定位算法。该方法在充分考虑LED拓扑结构对定位性能影响的基础上,利用部署在室内的多个LED,合理选择其中3个LED作为发射节点,采用改进的三边定位法获得定位目标位置信息。定位算法可以有效地解决可见光定位存在的遮挡效应。仿真实验表明,MLED-RSS算法可以实现高定位精度。%In order to apply Visible Light Communication (VLC) to indoor positioning, based on the Received Signal Strength (RSS) positioning technology, a scheme namely MLED-RSS positioning algorithm, utilizing multiple LED transmitters to achieve indoor positioning is proposed in this paper. In the proposed scheme, the impact of topology on positioning performanceis fully considered, three LEDsarereasonably selected from the multiple LEDs deployed in the room as transmitted nodes to provide position coordinates, and then the improved trilateration method is used to obtain the target location information. MLED-RSS positioning algorithm can effectively solve the block or shadow effect existing in indoor visible location. Simulation results show thatthe MLED-RSS positioning algorithm can achieve highlocalization accuracy.



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