首页> 中文期刊>湖南师范大学教育科学学报 >培养学生核心素养需要修正“三维课程目标”




Key competence is regarded as“the essential quality”of a qualified citizen in the 21st century. To cultivate the key competence of students is the basic task of school education as well as the development tendency of school educa-tion in the future. The realization of the goals of the key competence of students depends on the realization of curriculum objectives. “The three-dimensional objec tive”as the overall objective, which has been put forward more than ten years and the questioning and criticism also accompanied,has seriously affected the effect of the curriculum reform of basic edu-cation as well as the whole reform process of basic education. The review and reconstruction of it is imminent. Therefore, we should adhere to the basic principles of scientificity,generality,systematicness,clarity,conformity and operability,and establish the“binary”objective orientation of teachers and students. The ideal curriculum ob jectives should be a system composed of“acquiring knowledge,developing ability,cultivating characters and mastering methods”and so on. The“ob-jective system of four-dimensional curriculum”is composed of“knowledge,ability,character and method”with the aim of cultivating the key competence of students.%核心素养是21世纪合格公民“必备的”素质,培养学生核心素养是未来学校教育的基本任务与发展趋势。然而,核心素养目标的实现要以课程目标的实现为条件。“三维课程目标”是我国基础教育课程总目标,已提出十几年,然而对其质疑与批判声音也伴随了十几年,这已严重地影响了课程改革的实效乃至整个基础教育改革的进程。对“三维课程目标”予以重新审视与建构已迫在眉睫。课程目标的建构,要在坚持科学性、概括性、系统性、明确性、符合性、可操作性原则的基础上,确立教师与学生“二元”的课程目标取向。理想的课程目标应该是“获取知识、生成能力、养成品格、学会方法”,即由“知识、能力、品格、方法”构成的旨在培养学生核心素养的“四维课程目标体系”。



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