首页> 中文期刊>辽东学院学报(社会科学版) >悲剧性与小说性--米兰·昆德拉小说理论解读




昆德拉首先从黑格尔的悲剧理论出发,跳出悲剧善恶二元对立的简单逻辑,从大写的历史中考察“两种力量的冲突”,看到在人类的政治与历史冲突中多元化依然被忽略,由善恶对立制造出的简单粗暴导致真理在双方的缺席,悲剧性因此被驱逐;而现代社会种种规章制度消解了人行动的意义,人成为历史的玩物,存在的悖谬与荒诞消解了悲剧性。在小说如何表达悲剧性的问题上,昆德拉提出戏剧性、抒情性、逻辑性是悲剧性的敌人,只有关注存在的非诗性、非理性一面,悲剧性才得以与小说性联系起来。%Starting from Hegel’ s tragic theory, Milan Kundera study the conflict between the two powers in a historical perspective out of the basic logic that a tragedy is just an opposition of good and evil.He finds that the di-versification is neglected in the political and historical conflicts.Because the simplicity and rudeness caused by the opposition between good and evil lead to the absence of truth in the two parts, thus the tragic is exiled.Besides, a variety of rules and regulations in contemporary society discompose human being’ s action and they become a play-thing of the history;accordingly, the existing absurd dispels the tragic.In term of how to express the tragic of a no-vel, Kundera proposes that theatricality, lyricism and logicality are enemy of tragic.Only the non-poetic and non-rational aspect of the existence is concerned, the tragic can be connected to novelness.



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