首页> 中文期刊> 《地球环境学报》 >明清时期我国水、旱灾害时空演变特点的对比分析




研究历史时期自然灾害的空间分布和时间变化特点,可以为自然灾害风险防范提供基础依据。论文基于《中国三千年气象记录总集》中的水旱灾害记录,重建了明清时期的水灾和旱灾县次序列,并分别绘制了水旱灾害的空间分布地图。分析结果显示:明清时期(1368—1911年)共发生水灾28266县次、旱灾21992县次,水灾较旱灾频发,但旱灾较水灾易出现高发;在时间上水灾的高值时段较集中,旱灾高值时段较分散、变化趋势波动性大;水旱灾害的高发时段具有一定的重合性,具体是1660s—1680s,1830s、1850s、1870s;在空间上,河北、山东、河南、浙江等省份受水旱灾害影响较大;水旱灾害受灾县、高发区主要集中在我国长江中下游、黄淮中下游地区;水灾的高发区呈南北方向块状分布,旱灾高发区则有一南一北两条东西方向的带状分布区。%Researching on spatial and temporal characteristics of natural disasters in history can help provide theoretical support for risk prevention. A database of floods and droughts in Ming and Qing Dynasty (AD 1368—1911) was established in this paper. The information used was picked from historical documents and counted at county scale. The paper constructs a series of sequences about flood and drought frequency, and presents the disaster patterns from maps. The conclusion shows that: (1) In total, there were 28266 floods and 21992 droughts have happened in the Ming and Qing Dynasty, but severe-drought-years outnumbered severe-flood-years. The flood sequence appeared rising trend while the flood one was volatile. During 1660s—1680s, 1830s, 1850s and 1870s, both floods and droughts occurred many times. (2) Hebei, Shandong, Henan, Zhejiang and other provinces were greatly influenced by the flood and drought. Affected counties, especially the ones influenced by both two kinds of disasters, were highly localized in the middle-lower reaches of Yangtze River, Yellow River and Huaihe River. The high frequency area of flood distributed as a north-south band while highly drought area appeared two east-west ones.



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