首页> 中文期刊>大连大学学报 >论中国古代史的课程群建设—兼论“文化人类学”对“中国古代史”教学的意义




In 2010, we applied for a university-level research on teaching reform “Developing a curriculum group with the course of History of Ancient China as a core”and got the approval. The program gets four courses involved: History of Ancient China, Selected Works of Chinese History, Literature Study of Chinese History and Cultural Anthropology, aiming to raise the level of courses, and to improve students’research ability and level of thinking. We have reached what we expected through the program;the course of Cultural Anthropology, in particular, is of great significance in removing students’misunderstandings about the pre-historic society and improving their ability to recognize and analyze problems.%  2010年,我们以“以中国古代史为核心的课程群建设”为题申报了校级教改项目并获批。本项目是以“中国古代史”课程为核心,包括“中国历史文选”、“中国史文献研读”、“文化人类学”共计四门课程在内的课程群建设,目的在于提高课程的综合化水平,提升学生的研究能力和思维层次。本项目达到了预期目的,特别是文化人类学课程对于澄清学生对史前社会的一些错误认识、提高学生认识和分析问题的能力具有重要意义。



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