首页> 中文期刊>大连大学学报 >新清末演说补议




清末演说的主体既包含有政府官员、教育界与教会人士、专业的演说员以及新女性这些个体,也有以各类演说会为主的社会团体。演说的内容主要包括宣传军政改革与时事;改良经济、发展实业;改良社会风俗;革新教育等四个方面。相对于宣讲等其他社会教育方式而言,演说具有形式灵活,贴近听众;开展时间较早;数量大,内容丰富;煽动性强,影响多集中于演说前后等特征。在蓬勃发展的同时,演说的主体和内容也受到了政府的限制。%The main groups of lecturers for speeches during the late Qing dynasty not only included government officials, education and church people, professional lecturers and women, but also social bodies mainly engaged in various types of speeches. The contents of the speeches included four aspects: military and political reform and current affairs; economic improvement and development of industries; improvement of social customs; education reform. Comparing with other social education forms such as preaching, speeches were more flexible and close to the audience, initiated earlier, richer in content and in quantity, more inflammatory, and gave influence immediately before and after them. However, though speeches developed wonderfully at the time, they were strictly limited by the government in subjects and contents.



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