首页> 中文期刊>楚雄师范学院学报 >论李贽与晚明“狂侠”士风的精神结构




传统的“狂狷”思想,在晚明特别是在作为王阳明后学的泰州学派那里,从理论到实践都得到了充分的发展。在这一时期,“狂狷”中的“狷”在“无道则隐”、“独善其身”、“不屑不洁之士”方面的部分意义开始脱落,并被积极进取的“狂”所涵盖。在“狂”的理论与实践发展中,逐渐与“侠”相结合,形成了“儒”、“侠”合流的晚明“狂侠”士风。在这一思潮的发展中,李贽无论在理论抑或实践方面都是最为典型的代表。%In the late Ming Dynasty (1368-1644 ),the traditional trend of being both radical and conser-vative was best reflected,in theory and in practice,in scholars of the Taizhou School,disciples of Wang Yang-ming and it was during this period of time that the traditional practice of withdrawing from the madding crowd to refine oneself instead of befriending the unethical gave place to radical actions. When eventually integrating the spirit of xia ! upholding the just and the chivalrous ! the characteristic spirit of ultraradicalness came in-to being in late Ming Dynasty that also included the ideas of Confucianism. Both in theory and in practice,Li Zhi was one of the most typical representatives of this school of thought.



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