首页> 中文期刊> 《重庆三峡学院学报 》 >论《嚎叫》及其电影改编




Allen Ginsberg was known as the representative poet and a member of the beat generation in American literal history. His poem Howl was absolutely significant throughout the American poetic history. In 2010, based on Ginsberg’s life and poems, some American film makers made a film with the tile of Howl in memory of this great poet, which drew people’s attention again to this important controversial figure when alive. This paper explores the film Howl about some aspects of Allen Ginsberg as a human being in real life and his most famous poem Howl so as to disclose the artistry of how the film handles the figure and his poem. As a result, we can better understand Allen Ginsberg and his poems.%  艾伦·金斯伯格是上个世纪美国文坛“垮掉一代”的代表诗人,其长篇诗作《嚎叫》在20世纪的美国诗坛占有举足轻重的地位。在他逝世13周年之际,美国影人拍摄了以他生平事迹和代表诗作《嚎叫》为蓝本的同名电影《嚎叫》,让这位活着时即备受争议的重要诗人又重回人们视野。文章主要从对影片的细致分析入手,结合现实生活中真实的金斯伯格与《嚎叫》一诗,详细论述影片对金斯伯格其人其诗的处理,从而更好地理解作为诗人的金斯伯格及其诗作。



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