首页> 中文期刊>西华师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版) >从《世说新语》看“五经”在汉末魏晋时期的传播




Investigating Shi Shuo Xin Yu,We find that Five Confucian Classics are widely disseminated among intel-lectuals in the Late Han and Wei-Jin Dynasties.Some intellectuals actively explore the meanings of Confucian clas-sics.Some intellectuals encourage each other or evaluate others according to the doctrine of Confucianism.Some in-tellectuals’character has nothing to do with Confucianism,but they still try to find a plausible justification with the help of Confucianism classics.In most cases,they try to improve the artistic taste of their conversations by borrowing allusions of Five Confucian Classics.Judging from their way to borrow Five Confucian Classics,more celebrities don’ t mention the names or titles of the classics any more while they directly draw on the classic quotations or allusions to make them an integral part of their conversations,which is different from their previous practice.Their way to bor-row the allusions showed that the celebrities in the Wei-Jin Dynasties advocated being vigilant and poignant,and be-ing terse and implicit in their conversations.%考察《世说新语》可见,汉末魏晋时期,儒家“五经”在士人中得到广泛传播。他们或积极研讨“五经”经义;或以经义为准绳,砥砺品节,互相激励;或以经文、经文典故,品鉴他人;也有一些士人道德品行虽与儒家经义大相径庭,然亦借助经典,为自己的行为寻找“合理”依据;更多的情况则是化用“五经”典故,增强言谈的艺术趣味。从化用“五经”的方式来看,与先前惯例大不相同,魏晋名士大多不再提及某经的名称或某经中的篇名,而是直接把经典的原话或典故活用为谈话的有机组成部分。这一化用经典的方式正是魏晋名士言谈崇尚机警有锋、简洁含蓄的表现。



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