首页> 中文期刊>情报学报 >基于科学知识图谱的我国知识管理研究范式分析




Co-word network constructed by keywords in documents and their co-occurrence relationships is a kind ofmapping knowledge domains , which represents the cognitive structure of science. By using the documents studying on knowledge management and having been cited more than one times included in Chinese Citation Database as the carrier, selecting 125 high frequency keywords in knowledge management research field in China, and using methods of co-keyword analysis, social network analysis and mapping knowledge domains as theory guidance, this paper constructs the co-word network and analyzes the research paradigm structure of knowledge management in China using analysis methods of MDS and K-core with assistance of UCINET and Netdraw. Then it discovers that there are three research orientations and two paradigms structure in mainstream field. Meanwhile, some hot topics are presented in knowledge management researchfrontiers in China.%由论文关键词的共现关系构成的共词网络是一类代表科学认知结构的科学知识图谱.本文以中国引文数据库中被引频次至少超过一次的有关知识管理研究方面的文献为载体,在提炼出我国知识管理研究领域125个高频关键词的基础上,以共词分析、社会网络分析和绘制科学知识图谱的方法为理论指导,以MDS(多维尺度分析)和K-core(K核分析)作为分析方法,以UCINET和Netdraw为软件工具,构建了我国知识管理研究领域的共词网络,分析了我国知识管理研究的范式结构,揭示出我国知识管理领域的三大研究取向和主流研究领域的两大范式结构,离析出我国知识管理前沿研究中较有影响的热点领域.



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