首页> 中文期刊>常州大学学报(社会科学版) >“青”在日本文化中体现的色彩心理感觉以其包含的色彩范畴及文化内涵为中心




“青”是日本人非常喜爱的颜色,被誉为“日本之色”。和先行研究对“青”的色彩范畴的界定相比,“青”在日本文化中所表示的实际色彩范畴更为广泛,所修饰的事物也极具特色,深刻反映出日本文化中“青”的色彩心理感觉特征。日本民族对“青”的色彩心理感觉产生的文化内涵。主要包括日本人的原始色彩感、阴翳情结影响的审美情趣、幽玄的美意识,以及在自然环境影响下的细腻而敏感的性格特征几个方面。%Cyan, reputed as "the color of Japan", is a color much adored by Japanese. Compared with previous studies on the color's category definition, the actual color category represented by eyan is wider in Japanese culture, and what it modifies are very unique, which reflects profoundly the psychological sense features in Japanese Culture. The culture connotation generated by the psychological sense of Japanese over cyan mainly includes the original color sense of Japanese, the aesthetic taste affected by shadow complex, the aesthetic sense of subtle profundity, and the delicate and sensitive personality traits under the influence of natural environment.



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