首页> 中文期刊>长春大学学报(社会科学版) >“形名”修饰关系的同现与修辞--从语义范畴、语法构式到修辞行为




形容词和名词的语义属性,决定着二者在表层或深层的同现,语义同现句法化为“形+(的)+名”的构式类型,构式固化的语义场景无法满足修饰关系在语言应用中的表达需求,偶然、即兴的修辞应运而生。从构式到修辞离不开构式的“约束”:“修饰语”和“中心语”的同现以及标记“的”。修辞行为在语义场景的制约下能固化为新的构式,并能再次通过变异推动修辞行为的产生。%The semantic attribute of adjective plus noun determines the superficial or deep cooccurrence, and the semantic cooccurrence constitutes the construction type of“A+( de)+N”, the semantic scene of the construction can′t meet the needs of modification relation in language application, so occasional or extemporaneous rhetoric emerges. From construction to rhetoric, the “restraint” is needed, namely, the cooccurrence of“modifier” and“central word” as well as the marker“de”. The rhetoric can constitute a new construction under the control of semantic scene, and promote the generation of rhetoric through another variation.



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