首页> 中文期刊>长安大学学报(社会科学版) >五千年民族血脉与文化自觉自信——2012年黄帝文化学术研讨会综述




2012年黄帝文化学术研讨会对黄帝文化的内涵及其在中国文化现代化的作用给予了解答。与会专家学者一致认为:黄帝文化的内涵主要是文明创造,黄帝崇拜体现了人文的、理性的特征;在肯定文化认同的基础上,祭陵可以振奋民族精神;承认文化自觉是文化强国的巨大动力和核心理念,文化自觉要建立在人的自觉的基础上,德性自觉与理性思潮才能推动文明进程等。%The conference on Emperor Huang in 2012 answered the connotation and showed the role in the modern Chinese culture. At the meeting, experts believed that the main contents of the culture of Emperor Huang lie in the creation of civilizaton and the worship of Emperor Huang is characterized by hu- manity and rationality. They also held that on the basis of cultural identity, offering sacrifices to ancestors can vitalize national spirit. Meanwhile, they acknowledged that cultural self-consciousness serves as a huge drive and the core concept, and only when cultural self-consciousness is established on the basis of hu- man self-consciousness, can moral self-consciousness and reasonable thought promote the advancement of civilization.



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