首页> 中文期刊>中南大学学报(社会科学版) >交通、信息通达性与区域生态效率——考虑空间溢出效应的研究




基于绿色、协同、共享发展理念,从理论及实证两方面分析区域交通、信息通达性对生态效率的影响.实证表明:未考虑空间因素时交通密度与区域生态效率呈现正U型关系,门槛值为1.048里程/平方千米,交通通达性主要通过提高纯效率促进生态效率提升,而网络通信普及率与生态效率呈显著线性正相关,信息通达性主要通过提高纯技术效率提升生态效率;考虑空间因素时区际生态效率滞后因子显著为负,邻省交通、信息通达性对本省生态效率存在负向影响,"邻近竞争"效应强于"协同发展"效应,绿色、协同、共享发展理念有待深入践行.%Based on the development of green, coordination, sharing ideas,the present essay analyzes the impact of transportation and information accessibility on regional ecological efficiency from both aspects of theory and empirical study. Empirical study shows that if the space factors are not taken into consideration, the traffic density is u-shaped relationship with regional ecological efficiency, the threshold value reaches 1.048 miles per square kilometer, transportation accessibility promotes the ecological efficiency mainly by improving the transmission mechanism of pure efficiency, and internet communications penetration has significant linear positive correlation with ecological efficiency. But when the space factors are taken into consideration, the interregional ecological efficiency lag factor is significantly negative, the traffic and information accessibility of neighboring provinces has a negative influence on the ecological efficiency of the province, "adjacent competition" effect is stronger than the "coordinated development" effect, and the development idea of the green, the collaborative, the shared needs to be deepened.



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