首页> 中文期刊> 《灾害学》 >非常规突发事件救援物资输送的路径优化研究




鉴于非常规突发事件的突发性和不可预测性,为保证救援的有效性,需要及时确定应急救援路径,以最短的时间将足量的救援物资送到事故点。根据事故的严重程度不同,需要不同数量的救援物资。由于救援点的救援物资数量有限,当非常规突发事件灾害性强时,一个救援点无法满足事故点的物资需求,则要求多个临近救援点同时参与输送救援物资的任务。该文主要研究在实时/时变的复杂道路状况下,非常规突发事件发生后多救援点实施的应急救援物资输送的路径优化问题,通过改进遗传算法实现动态路径调整达到求解最短路的目的,实现了应急救援物资路径动态优化,为救援团队提供准确、及时、可视化的救援方案,提升救援效率。%In view of the sudden and unpredictability of the unconventional emergencies,it needs to deter-mine the path of emergency rescue in time in order to guarantee the effectiveness of the rescue,which will deliver enough aid to the accident spot in the shortest time.According to the severity of the unconventional emergencies,it may need large amounts of emergency relief supplies;however,the relief supplies in the accident spot can not meet the requirement,now it requires multiple relief points to an accident at the same time to carry goods.Therefore, our research is based on real-time /time-varying traffic information under the condition of saving more unconditional emergency relief supplies distribution route optimization problem.In order to achieve the purpose of solving the shortest circuit,the article applied the improved genetic algorithm for dynamic path adjustment.It realizes the dy-namic emergency relief supplies path optimization,and provided accurate,timely and visualized rescue plan,and improved the whole effectiveness of relief activities.



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