首页> 中文期刊>北京第二外国语学院学报 >翻译学的实证性学科定位再思--霍姆斯、图里翻译学架构图问题思考之一




With a historical survey and critical reflection of Holmes & Toury’s map of translation studies as the startingpoint, this paper reveals the contradiction between their deifning of translation studies as an empirical discipline and their branch division of the discipline, analyses the signiifcances and limitations of empirical translation studies, and locates theposition ofprescriptive translation studies on the map of the whole discipline. It holds that the deifning of translation studies as an empirical discipline obliterates the humanistic character of translation studies, relfects only the nature of the branch‘pure translation studies’, not the nature of translation studies as a whole discipline. The utmost goal of humanistic and social sciences is to enhance a sound and coordinated social development, and therefore, translation studies, as a humanis-tic and social science, ought to be both empirical andprescriptive.%论文以对霍姆斯、图里关于翻译学实证性学科定位的内容回顾与问题思考为起点,在揭示其学科定位与学科分支划分之矛盾的基础上探讨了实证性翻译研究的意义与限度,指出了规约性翻译研究在翻译学学科整体中的地位,认为实证性学科定位抹杀了翻译学的人文性,不足以概括翻译学作为一个学科整体的性质,反映的只是霍姆斯、图里所勾画的纯翻译学分支的性质。人文社会科学研究的最根本目标是促进人类社会的健全和协调发展,因此,作为人文社会科学的翻译学不仅应当是实证性的,而且应当是规约性的。



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