首页> 中文期刊>北京行政学院学报 >《印中搜闻》视域中的中国社会信仰和习俗




《印中搜闻》是伦敦会传教士在马六甲创办的最早的英文季刊。它虽为传教士所创办和经营,但其内容涉及到中国政治、经济、生活、文化和信仰等方方面面。它所刊登的有关中国的消息、资料、通信、译文和评论,在当时成为西方人了解和研究中国的重要资料来源,在西方学术界重新建构关于中国的知识体系过程中,发挥了重要作用。以《印中搜闻》中刊载的关于中国的作品为研究对象,可以分析并勾勒出《印中搜闻》视域中的中国社会信仰和习俗。%Indo-Chinese Gleaner (1817-1822), a quarterly magazine in English language, was initiated by London English Missionaries and circulated for 6 years in the early 20th century in Malacca. All the founders and editors were missionaries, but the articles it published involves the politics, economics, social life, culture as well as beliefs and other aspects of China. The news, correspondence, translation and commentary it printed were the important source for Westerners to understand and study China. It played a significant role in the process of re-construct knowledge system about China in Western academia. This paper will conduct research on the articles related to China, to analysis and outline the Chinese social beliefs and customs from the Indo-Chinese Gleaner.



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