首页> 中文期刊> 《百色学院学报》 >从词汇比较看壮傣民族分化前的共同稻作文化形态




The ethnics of Taiwanese branch share the same historical origin,and constitute one influential ethnic group in China and Southeastern Asia.However,without enough written documents,the early history of the group is vague,thus an analysis on language comparison become an important means to reconstruct the group's early history.The Zhuangs and the Dais are two important ethnic groups of Taiwanese branch,and through lexical comparison they are found to have developed advanced rice civilization before their separation.They have almost the same technologies in rice planting,irrigating,and processing,herding,construction of the village,and celebration as the modern traditional villages.Therefore,it can be said that before their separation,the Zhuangs and the Dais ethnic groups have had advanced agricultural civilization with rice culture as its characteristic.To have a comparative analysis on the early form of rice culture of the Zhuangs and the Dais is of great significance to have a better understanding of the historical origin of people of Taiwanese branch.%台语支民族有共同的历史来源,是中国、东南亚有影响的一个族群,但是由于缺少文献记载,其早期历史十分不明晰,语言比较分析成了重构这个族群早期历史的重要手段。壮族、傣族是台语支族群两个重要的民族,通过词汇比较发现,壮、傣民族分化前就创造了发达的稻作文明,在稻田和水利建设技术、水稻育秧栽培技术、稻米加工利用技术以及由此衍生发展的畜牧、建筑村落以及节庆信仰等领域已与现代传统农村相差无几,可以说壮、傣民族分化前已经具有比较发达的以稻作文化为特征的农业社会文明。比较分析壮、傣民族早期共同稻作文化形态对进一步认识台语支诸民族历史文化源流关系有重要意义。



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