首页> 中文期刊> 《安徽理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 >强化金融学专业教学中财务分析课程地位的思考




In recent years, with the turbulence of global finance, the development of financial globalization and the aggravation of the changes of our financial environment, new requirements are being made of the construction of financial major and curricula in our colleges and universities. Starting from the construction of the course of fi- nanci,'d analysis, and based on the effect of financial analysis on the application areas of finance, this paper ex- plores the relationship between the course of financial analysis and the construction of finance major. Moreover, it affirms that the position of financial analysis course be promoted in the construction of finance major, and proposes innovation measures and formulation of heightening the theories, practice and construction of financial analysis course in the construction of finance major.%全球金融动荡、金融全球化的发展以及我国金融环境的变化,对高校金融学专业的建设和课程设置提出了新的要求。从财务分析课程建设入手,基于财务分析对金融学应用领域的作用,探讨财务分析课程和金融专业建设的关系,明确了财务分析课程在金融专业建设中的地位应予以提高,并提出了金融学专业建设中加强财务分析学理论、实践、课程建设的创新与构想。



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