首页> 中文期刊>安徽农业科学 >成渝农民工工作倦怠的特点及影响因素研究




对成渝两地的417名农民工的工作倦怠情况进行调查,使用描述性统计、多元回归分析、差异检验等统计方法分析农民工的工作倦怠的特点及影响因素.结果显示,成渝农民工工作倦怠的总检出率为95.7%,人格解体和成就感降低维度的平均分超过了临界水平;工作城市、工作行业和职业等因素会影响成渝农民工的工作倦怠情况,不同因素所影响的具体工作倦怠维度以及影响方式均存在一定差异.%The job burnout of 417 migrant workers at Chengdu and Chongqing were investigated, moreover, the characteristics and influencing factors of job burnout of migrant workers were analyzed using descriptive statistics, multiple regression analysis, testing for differences and so on. The results showed that the total detection rate of job burnout among migrant workers was 95.7% , the average scores of depersonaliza-tion and reduced personal accomplishment were above the critical value. The levels of job burnout among migrant workers were influenced by some demographical variables such as working city, field and position, and there were certain differences for specific job burnout dimensionality and influencing ways.



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