首页> 中文期刊>安徽农业科学 >基于吸水树脂浓缩黄水制取白酒调味品的方法研究




[目的]从黄水中提取稀缺的天然白酒调味品.[方法]首先用超强吸水树脂吸收黄水中的水分将黄水浓缩为浓黄水,再将浓黄水共沸精馏;然后再将共沸精馏后剩余的液体进行催化酯化.[结果]100份黄水经超强吸水树脂脱水后,可得到7.0667份乙醇含量56.7%的浓黄水.100份浓黄水通过共沸精馏可获得0.4328份纯天然乙醛、0.2694份甲酸乙酯和甲醇及0.9750份乙酸乙酯和甲醇的共沸物,该共沸物中加入适量CaCl2后再蒸馏可获得0.2207份纯甲酸乙酯和0.5142份纯乙酸乙酯;100份浓黄水催化酯化可获得92.0948份含有38种影响白酒风味的化合物的酯化液.该酯化液中乙酸乙酯、丙酸乙酯、丁酸乙酯、戊酸乙酯、乳酸乙酯和己酸乙酯的含量分别高达142.9、22.2、54.2、3.3、75.4和158.9 g/L.[结论]从1份黄水中获得的乙醛、甲酸乙酯、乙酸乙酯和酯化液可以把6.5份普通白酒勾兑成优级浓香型白酒,因此黄水具有很好的回收利用价值,同时也说明该研究从黄水中提取白酒调味品的工艺和方法具有很好的推广利用价值.%[Objective]To extract the scarce natural liquor flavoring from yellow water.[Method]First,yellow water was concentrated into dense yellow water by using super absorbent resin to absorb the moisture in the yellow water;next, the previously conentrated yellow water would be azeotropic distillation , and then to adopt catalytic esterification for the remainder liquid after the distillation.[Result]The 7.0667 portion concentrated yellow water with 56.7% alcohol could be obtained after treatment of super strong water-absorbent resin for 100 portion yellow water.Azeotrope of 0.4328 portion natural acetaldehyde, 0.2694 portion ethyl formate and methyl alcohol, 0.9750 portion ethyl ace-tate and methyl alcohol could be obtained after azeotropic distillation of per 100 portion concentrated yellow water.0.2207 portion ethyl for-mate and 0.5142 ethyl acetate could be obtained after distillation with CaCl2 for the azeotrope.92.0948 portion esterified liquid with 38 kinds of flavoring conpounds could be obtained after catalytic esterification of 100 portion concentrated yellow water and the content of ethyl acetate, ethyl propionate, ethylbutyrate, ethyl valerate, ethyl lactate and ethyl hexanoate were as much as 142.9,22.2,54.2,3.3,75.4 and 158.9 g/L.[Conclusion]Superior Luzhou-flavor liquor can be made by mixing 6.5 portion common liquor with acetaldehyde, ethyl formate, ethyl acetate and esterification liquid which are obtained from 1 portion yellow water, so the yellow water has a great recycling value , but also shows the process and method of the research has good value of popularization and utilization value.



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