首页> 中文期刊>美育学刊 >哈佛通识课程改革创新理念与践行——哈佛通识教育(美育类)实地考察报告之三




哈佛大学本轮通识课程改革比以往任何一次改革更突出“创新”。校方一方面赋予“自由教育”、“通识教育”等形上理念以全新内涵;另一方面倡导和鼓励教授们寻求新的教学维度,探索新的教学方法。校长福斯特首创了整合创新成果的理念“大学整一”,并加强资金、资源、项目和技术等方面的创新配备,催动曾与本科教学无关的独立学院在“跨学科”、“合作的文化”、“活动导向的学习”等理念指导下介入通识教育。这使得哈佛通识课程改革在课程分类、管理模式、教学手段等方面都有一种道、器结合的突破,从而为“大学在这个充满挑战的时代必须做什么”这一问题提供了更多值得借鉴的理念、路径和模板,也为哈佛继续领跑世界大学增加了更多的砝码。%This Gen Ed curriculum reform highlights the notion of innovation more than ever before. It not only endows brand new connotations to such notions as "liberation education" and "general education", but also encourages the faculty to seek for new teaching dimensions and new methods. President Faust initiated the idea of "one University" to promote innovative collaboration among the university: the allocation of money, resources, programs and technology in support of innovations, urging those schools which had no connection to undergraduate teaching to join the innovation of general education guided by such concepts as "interdiscipline", "culture of collaboration" and "activity-based learning". Now, the Gen Ed curriculum reform has achieved new breakthroughs in the course division, management mode and teaching means, etc. , and therefore has made a greater contribution to assuring Harvard' s leading position in the world and provided us a model worthy of reference.



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