首页> 中文期刊>美育学刊 >“现世性”理论与文学经典问题--萨义德文学思想研究




As an organic part of Said’ s thought on post-colonialism, the theory of"worldliness"affirms the complicated re-lationship between literature and the existential actualities of human life, politics, society and power, and also the social re-sponsibility and the obligation of engagement of intellectuals.Above all, the theory "worldliness"emphasizes the political dimension of literary canons.According to this theory, to read literature outside its political context in the name of aesthetics produces is to falsify its message.What Said has done may help us to reflect on questions of literature and provide inspiration for study of culture and post-colonialism.%作为后殖民理论的重要组成部分,萨义德的“现世性”理论强调权力、政治和文化之间的复杂关系,强调知识分子的批评责任和社会介入意识。这势必影响他的文学思想,他反对借助审美的名义而在社会的、历史的脉络之外来阅读文学,肯定文学经典的社会历史的尤其是政治的维度。萨义德的这一理论有助于学术界对文学及相关问题的重新思考,同时也给文化和后殖民主义研究带来了重要启示。



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