首页> 中文期刊> 《吉林中医药》 >基于现代文献的穴位贴敷治疗功能性便秘的选穴用药分析




目的 通过检索10年来国内外穴位贴敷治疗便秘的临床研究,并从腧穴选择与配伍,药物选择与组方,介质选择,贴敷时机及疗程4个方面对治疗便秘的穴位贴敷进行深入剖析.方法 采用计算机检索,计算机检索范围为PubMed(2008-11/2017-11)、中文期刊全文数据库(CNKI)(2008-11/2018-11)、万方数据资源系统(WANFANG)(2008-11/2017-11)、维普期刊全文数据库(VIP)(2008-11/2017-11)、中国生物医学文献数据库(CBM)(2008-11/2017-11)中符合穴位贴敷治疗便秘相关文献.通过检索及梳理,得到相关文献75篇,分析其处方规律.结果 分析发现,在腧穴选择上,以神阙穴为主;贴敷方药上,基本形成了以单味大黄或承气方加减为主的用药规律;在穴贴制作方法上,以中药研粉并以醋或酒为介质调和制成药贴;在贴敷时机及疗程上,一般以每天贴1次,每次4 h,7天1疗程为主,贴敷时机则随病因不同而有所不同.结论 穴位贴敷治疗便秘的常用方案已基本成型,今后我们应该在穴位贴敷的治疗时机,贴敷时间,贴敷疗程介质选取等方面继续探索,开展穴位贴敷治疗便秘的多中心大样本的随机对照实验,以期为穴位贴敷治疗便秘的规范化奠定坚实的理论基础和完善的临床应用方案.%Objective To Summarize clinical studies on point-application for the treatment of functional constipation over the last ten years, and to analyze point-application prescription for functional constipation with acupoint selection and combinations, traditional Chinese medicinal materials selection and combinations, transdermal agent selection, time and course of application. Methods PubMed (2008-11/2017-11), CNKI (2008-11/2018-11), Wanfang (2008-11/2017-11), VIP Database (2008-11/2017-11) and CBM (2008-11/2017-11) were searched by computer to identify studies evaluating point-application for functional constipation. Finally, 75 articles were identified to analyze acupuncture prescription. Results Through the statistical analysis found that: the mine points isShenque (CV 8). On the side of traditional Chinese medicinal materials selection and combinations, rheum officinale or Dachengqi decoction are main selection. Vinegar and Alcohol are often appearance as transdermal agent. The time and process of application are generally 4 hours a day, once a day, 7days as a course. And when to apply varies with the change of the disease. Conclusion The point-application treatment for constipation has been basic formation. In the future, occasion,time and course of application should be carried out to examine for normalization ofpoint-application prescription for treatment of functional constipation.



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