首页> 中文期刊>艺术百家 >历史剧:穿越历史,照亮今天




Some scholars think that it is a "dilemma" and "lingering" for historical plays at present to be still involved in "historical truth".Actually it is not the case."Historical truth" is an inevitable key problem in the creation of historical plays;even in 100 years,such a problem will still be discussed.It is the choice of historical plays.In historical plays,whether to use "literary fiction" or "artistic fiction" concerns the definition and belonging of "fiction";seriously speaking,"fiction" is the task of historical play texts,not the task of stage art.The reason why it is called "artistic fiction" is probably that drama belongs to art.As for the historical subject of revolution,we should stick to the historical truth of the main events and allow artistic fiction of some minor details.As for the subject of ancient history,we should stick to the historical truth of its nature and allow artistic fiction of other matters.Historians have their own "historical imprints" and historical play writers also have their own "historical imprints".They have never reached agreement and always have their own way.However,the audience usually tends to accept the "historical imprints" of historical play writers,which requires historical play writers to beware whether their "historical imprints" are standard instead of being so absurd as to mislead the audience.It is the essence of historical plays to reflect the spirit of the time,changing "dead history" to "lively history" and enabling historical figures to come out of the tombs and stand on the contemporary stage to "speak again".These historical figures will surely be imprinted by the time.The life of historical plays is to transcend history and enlighten today.%有论者认为历史剧发展到今天,还在"历史真实"的问题上兜圈子,是历史剧不应有的"困顿"和"徘徊".其实不然,"历史真实"是历史剧创作绕不开躲不过的核心问题,一百年后谈论的话语还是这个问题.这是历史剧的选择.在历史剧中,究竟使用"文学虚构"还是"艺术虚构"的概念,关系到"虚构"的定位和归属的问题,认真地说,"虚构"是历史剧文本的任务,不是舞台艺术的任务.之所以称为"艺术虚构",大约是戏剧属于艺术的缘故.因此,对于革命历史题材来说,应做到"大事不虚,小事不拘".但对于一般的古代题材来说,应做成"本质不虚,其他不拘".历史学家有自己的"历史印迹",历史剧作家也有自己的"历史印记",两者从来没有达成共识,而是各行其道,但一般观众比较容易接受历史剧作家的"历史印记",这就需要历史剧作家警惕自己的"历史印记"是否规矩、是否太离谱,是否误导观众.历史剧反映时代精神是它的灵魂,把"死历史"变成"活历史",使历史人物从坟墓中走出来站到今天的舞台上"再度发言",他们必然被打上时代的烙印.历史剧的生命是穿越历史,照亮今天.



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